Vigyan Se Vikshit Ganv
Origin of Vigyan se Vikshit Ganv Mission

As part of this mission, विज्ञान से विकसित गाँव Members organizes science camps, delivers lectures in schools, skill centers, and promotes scientific awareness and innovative problem-solving in marginalized rural areas. His efforts have successfully instilled a solution-oriented mindset in rural societies across Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and Haryana.
Core Objectives of VSVG
Educational Empowerment
Foster a love for learning in STEM fields among rural youth to build critical skills for future-ready individuals. Enabling social mobility through quality science education and grassroots leadership.
Innovative Rural Prosperity:
Develop and implement community-centric innovations by utilizing STEM that tackle pressing issues such as water management, clean energy, and sustainable agriculture.
SDG Alignment
Align STEM Education initiatives with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly in quality education (SDG 4), clean water and sanitation (SDG 6), affordable clean energy (SDG 7), and sustainable communities (SDG 11).

Skill Development and Economic Empowerment:
Equip the rural population with skills and develop scientific temper by using STEM that boost economic opportunities, entrepreneurship, and job readiness.
Community-Driven Change:
Use STEM and scientific curiosity to develop Partnership with local stakeholders to co-create solutions and foster a participatory approach to development.
Equal Opportunity :
Every student should get an equal
opportunity to access quality higher education and realize their potential through a career.